Tedarikçi Aydınlatma Metni_en-GB


As Kanatlı Uluslararası Lojistik İthalat İhracat San. ve Tic.Ltd.Şti. , within the scope of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data ("KVKK), we prepared this disclosure text in order to inform our customers, business connections and our users using our website in terms of the processing, storage and transfer of your personal data within the framework of our activities conducted in business Law, Social Security, SSI incentives, finance and business management sector.


What Data is Collected and What is Our Purpose to Collect Data?


Within the scope of the services we provide in the logistics sector, we collect the following data:


1.      Identity Information

2.      Contact Informations

3.      Customer Transaction

4.      Location Data


Data Category

Identity Information


are the data related to the identification of the person.

whom collected from

It is collected from workers, company partners, trainees, supplier employees, officials, people who buy products or services. 


is such as Name- Surname, RoT ID number, Tax Number, SSI registry number, ID copy, signature

Purpose of Data Collecting

  • Fulfilment of Obligations Arising from the Labour Contract and Legislation for Employees
  • Conducting Processes for Fringe Benefits and Interests for Employees
  • Conducting Audit / Ethics Activities
  • Conducting Training Activities
  • Conducting Access Authorizations
  • Conducting Activities in compliance with Legislation
  • Conducting Financing and Accounting affairs
  • Conducting Assignment Processes
  • Following-up and Conducting Legal Affairs
  • Planning Human Resources Processes
  • Conducting / Supervising Business Activities
  • Conducting Occupational Health / Safety Activities
  • Conducting Logistics Activities
  • Conducting Goods / Services Production and Operation Processes
  • Execution Of Storage And Archive Activities
  • Conducting Contracting Processes
  • Follow-up of Requests / Complaints
  • Informing Authorized Persons, Institutions and Organizations
  • Conducting Management Activities


Data Category

Contact Informations


Are the personal data which enables contact with the person.

whom collected from

It is collected from workers, company partners, trainees, supplier employees, officials, people who buy products or services.  


Is data such as home and work address, mobile phone number, home phone number, postal address and e-mail address.

Purpose of Data Collecting

  • Conducting Processes of Information Security Management
  • Fulfilment of Obligations Arising from the Labour Contract and Legislation for Employees
  • Conducting Processes for Fringe Benefits and Interests for Employees
  • Conducting Training Activities
  • Conducting Access Authorizations
  • Conducting Activities in compliance with Legislation
  • Conducting Financing and Accounting affairs
  • Conducting Assignment Processes
  • Following-up and Conducting Legal Affairs
  • Conducting Communication Activities
  • Planning Human Resources Processes
  • Conducting / Supervising Business Activities
  • Conducting Occupational Health / Safety Activities
  • Conducting Logistics Activities
  • Conducting Processes of procurement of Good / Service
  • Conducting Goods / Services Sale Processes
  • Conducting Goods / Services Production and Operation Processes
  • Execution Of Storage And Archive Activities
  • Conducting Contracting Processes
  • Execution Of Supply Chain Management Processes
  • Informing Authorized Persons, Institutions and Organizations
  • Conducting Management Activities


Data Category

Customer Process


Customers' request, invoice, stamp-signature information and suppliers ' stamp-signature information.

whom collected from

It is collected from supplier employees, supplier officials, product or service recipients.


Customers' request, invoice, stamp-signature information and suppliers ' stamp-signature information.

Purpose of Data Collecting

  • Conducting Activities in compliance with Legislation
  • Conducting Financing and Accounting affairs
  • Following-up and Conducting Legal Affairs
  • Conducting Communication Activities
  • Conducting / Supervising Business Activities
  • Receiving and Assessing Suggestions for Improvement of Business Processes
  • Conducting Business Continuity Activities
  • Conducting Logistics Activities
  • Conducting Processes of procurement of Good / Service
  • Conducting Goods / Services Sale Processes
  • Conducting Goods / Services Production and Operation Processes
  • Execution Of Storage And Archive Activities
  • Conducting Contracting Processes
  • Ensuring Security of Data Controller Operations
  • Informing Authorized Persons, Institutions and Organizations
  • Conducting Management Activities

What is the Legal Reason for the Collection of Your Data?


We process personal data for reasons arising from our obligations under the relevant legislation (legal obligation), contractual relations, obligations under the law and legitimate interests within the scope of our services performed in the logistics sector.


How We Collect Your Data?


We collect data through printed forms, sometimes directly via electronic forms or through meetings / negotiations.


Transfer of Your Personal Data To a Third Party


Your personal data is shared, where necessary, with persons and institutions authorized by a court order or at the request of an administrative authority expressly authorized by law, in accordance with our obligations set forth in the legislation, in cases specified in the legislation. In addition, data can be shared with business partners and related third parties in order to maintain our business activities.




Transfer Of Personal Data Abroad


Your personal data may only be transferred abroad if there is one of the following limited circumstances:

  • If you have express consent,
  • If there is sufficient protection in the country where the data will be transferred and the conditions stipulated in the KVKK
  • Although the conditions envisaged in the KVKK and the country where the data will be transferred do not have adequate protection, there is a commitment made by the relevant country and the permission of the Personal Data Protection Board ("Board") to provide adequate protection.


Retention Times Of Your Personal Data


The retention periods of your personal data are as follows:

  • If a provision in the law or related legislation determines a period of time for the data to be stored, the data must be kept at least for that period. The data in question is deleted at the end of the specified period.
  • If no period of time has been set by law regarding the storage of the data we process, such data shall be stored in accordance with the relationship between us and for the period specified in the contract to which we are parties and shall be deleted-without your request - if this relationship ends or the period specified in the contract expires.
  • If a period of time is stipulated in the legislation regarding the storage of data and you request that such data be deleted before that time, this request cannot be made. Where the time period for storing data is not determined in the legislation, your data will be deleted immediately and within 30 days at the latest if you have a request to delete the data.


Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Data


Your rights regarding your personal data are as follows:

  1. to know whether your personal data is being processed or not,
  2. Request for information if your personal data is processed,
  3. Find out what the purpose of processing your personal data is and whether this purpose is adhered to,
  4. To know the third parties to whom your personal data are transferred at domestic or abroad,
  5. To request your personal data correction if it is incomplete or misinterpreted,
  6. to request that your personal data be deleted or destroyed in accordance with the provisions of the KVKK,
  7. If you request that your personal data be deleted or destroyed by the correction of incomplete or incorrect data, we request that you be notified of this to third parties to whom we have transferred your data
  8. Taking objection against this situation in case there is a situation against you via analyzing your personal data through automatic systems and
  9. Requesting for removal of damage in case you have suffered damage due to the unlawful processing of your personal data


Usage of Rigths


You may submit your requests for the exercise of your rights regarding your personal data by this method if a separate method has been determined by the KVK Board, without prejudice to other methods determined by the board or with an application form of Kanatlı Uluslararası Lojistik İthalat İhracat San. ve Tic.Ltd.Şti. or Barbaros District Oymak Street No: 10/81 Kocasinan / Kayseri address in written and wet signature or to our you may forward it by sending it to our registered e-mail address kanatlilojistik@hs01.kep.tr signed with a secure electronic signature.


We reserve the right to refuse the relevant application if there is a mistake/error in the transmitted information and documents or if the application is unauthorized.


Response Time to Regarding Requests the Processing of Personal Data


We evaluate your claims regarding your personal data and respond within 30 days at the latest from the day your claims are received. If our response to your request is negative, we send the reasoned rejection to the address you specified by e-mail or by mail.

How You may Reach Detailed Information about Processing Your Personal Data?


 For detailed information about Processing Your Personal Data, you may request us with the “Application Form” on our website.


Kanatlı Uluslararası Lojistik İthalat İhracat San. ve Tic.Ltd.Şti                

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